Nature Reserve with Shinko

Sitting on the sign for the park...
Of course he had to climb a tree
We have been trying to keep Shinko busy and show him everything we can in the area. We went on a little "hike" as Neacel calls it. It's really just a paved walk at a nature reserve, either way its really pretty. Shinko was a little concerned about other animals there, but we only ran into a dog.

Shinko loved the open area, and when he saw a tree, what do you think that monkey did? Climb it of course! He wanted to sit up there forever, but we couldn't let him, rain was coming and we were all starving! We just walked a shorter trail since it's been a while, but Neacel insisted on taking Shinko for the "hike."

The best picture of my monkey's with Shinko
Neacel kept running ahead of us, Broden enjoyed a nice stroll sitting in the stroller, and Shinko just moved around from person to person. Trying to get the best view of everything.

All in all, a perfect little "hike." This is something we do as a family a few days a week once the weather is nice. There are TONS of trails here in the Akron area, and so much to see. It's the one place I feel comfortable letting my boys go wild. They can just run free, and I just let them, feeling relaxed and enjoying nature.

Remember, if you want to have Shinko for a week go on over to Sock Monkey Trails, and contact Lynda.

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