1. Most of all I'm thankful for Heavenly Father and the life he has blessed me with. Nothing is possible without him.
2. I'm thankful for my dear husband who works and studies so hard. He is also pretty much the best father out there, sorry!
3. I'm thankful for my little dudes. For their smiles and laughter. They make each day so much fun. I would be so bored without them.
4. I'm thankful for my parents who raised me and provided for me. I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.
5. I'm thankful for education and the chance to learn everything we can. Life is like a never ending book, you can never learn too much or even come close to knowing it all.
6. I'm thankful for blue skies and sunshine, might sound silly, but this is major to me. Helps my moods and is just truly beautiful.
7. I'm thankful for being an American. It might not be perfect place (but no where is) but its home, and its wonderful.
8. I'm thankful for my love of baking. Baking is my relaxing time, I love to bake anything and everything, cupcakes are my favorite though. Plus, baking something sweet is the perfect treat to give to friends, neighbors and everyone else...who complains about getting a plate of cookies???
9. I'm thankful for the many places I have lived. Born in Cleveland and moving a ton my whole life, I have had a wonderful opportunity to see some amazing places and meet amazing people. SLC, New Orleans, Miami, and many other places. (I attended 16 different schools till I graduated just to give you an idea of how much we moved)
10. Most of all, I'm thankful for the chance to breathe daily. To wake up and live my life. To make my own free choices in life and do as I please. To believe in what I want and to raise my boys. I'm thankful for life....
So whats your list, I would love to hear them! Now go eat some more turkey and pumpkin pie! And let the little dudes (and dudettes) eat more sweets then what you would normally allow, Thanksgiving is only once a year...its ok to have a few cookies and pumpkin pie and go for a second plate of food. I'm hoping my pants button on Friday to go shopping!!!
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