My husband sent me this article, and I couldn't help but to think "I want a picture of my stomach on the gallery" then reality and fear set in. The xoJane Real Girl Belly Project is amazing, its a gallery of tummies, each with their own little story. Each earned in their own special way. Go read the article and take time to look at each tummy and read what the owner wrote about it. I'll be honest, I got teary eyed because I know that this is my biggest struggle, I need to just learn to love me. It's not just me though, it's everyone. Many of my friends on facebook that are mothers, we all are obsessed with working out, diets, and trying to get back to the flat 16 year tummy, when in reality we should be proud of the belly button piercing scar we have for being spontaneous and rebellious, the stretchmarks from each pregnancy, a c/section scar to remind me that my children were born safely, etc.
So I encourage all of you, and myself, to do something this week/weekend to boost your confidence. It can be anything. I know right now, I need to buy a bathing suit for a water park we are going to in 2 weeks. I'm terrified, but thrilled that my old one no longer fits. Maybe instead of a longer one piece I'll reach for the tankini. Maybe you could go buy a shirt that you thought made you look silly, but you love it...who cares! If you love it then go for it, others can learn to love it. Maybe you will take a picture of your stomach and send it to the xoJane Real Girl Belly Project (emily@xojane.com). The possibilities are endless. We can't let Hollywood women tell us who we should be. We should love ourselves, curves, stretchmarks and all.
P.S That isn't my tummy, that was a brave soul over in the gallery. If I looked like that, I'd be thrilled!